Moawad urges political parties, candidates to advance development agenda in municipal elections

Posted & filed under Main News.

Rene Moawad Foundation completes USAID-funded development project in Abra

Michel Moawad, the executive president of the Rene Moawad Foundation, urged Wednesday the implementation of administrative decentralization in Lebanon in a bid to fight rampant corruption within state institutions and promote sustainable development.

“The Lebanese are witnessing today the failure of the centralized government, which plunges into paralysis and corruption. Billions of dollars are being squandered while no solutions have been found to the trash crisis, power cuts, slow internet speeds and illegal networks and tens of other issues,” he said.

Moawad said municipal elections represent an opportunity to advance local development and fight corruption.

“We should compete or reach an agreement over development agendas rather than seek consensus on the representation of political parties and families in municipal councils because local authorities will play a key role in the development of their communities,” he said.

Moawad made his remarks at the inauguration of a socio-economic project in Abra. The USAID-funded BALADI project aims at developing the cultural environment of Abra’s local community through various activities that will boost the economy including rehabilitating the public square to host events and festivals, expanding the existing municipal library, establishing a job placement office within the municipal premises in addition to a kids’ playground area. The project will help boost the economy and increase the income for more than 500 persons.





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